Connect with community members for quick conversations and file-sharing


CampusGroups includes robust direct messaging and group chat features to help you and your peers stay in touch, from your computer to your mobile app.

One-on-One Chat

  • Chat with anyone on campus on mobile and desktop
  • No need to exchange phone numbers to chat with another user
  • Share images, files, smileys and more
  • Search in your chat history
  • An email notification is sent when someone has not opened your chat messages
  • Hit reply to respond to an email notification
  • Archive discussions, turn off notifications
  • Report inappropriate messages

Group Chat

  • Add more users and create a group discussion
  • Unlimited number of users can be added to a group discussion
  • Collaborate on school projects
  • Create a group chat for new students during orientation
  • Create study group discussions
  • Stay connected to your group during field trips
  • Create a group chat for a class and allow questions

More Options

  • Administrators can create automated messages to welcome new users
  • Event organizers can be contacted by chat directly from the event page
  • Group officers can be contacted by chat by students interested in joining their groups
  • The organizers of an event can create a collaborative group chat in just one click
  • Chat with the attendees of an event you're also attending

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